<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1118581272335252&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1">

Ad Layout Options

AI-Powered Streaming TV Ads

View our collection of streaming TV templates to discover the perfect match for your business. Browse through the video descriptions to see which video lengths, sizes and assets are available for each template. **Templates 202, 208 & 210 are only available as a :30 second commercial.

Editing Capabilities:

Images, font style/color, logo, music, script, voiceover, background colors and headline text


Things We Cannot Edit:

Effects, text location, image locations, image sizes, logo positioning and transitions

AI-Powered Social Video Ads

View our collection of social media templates to discover the perfect match for your business. Please reference the video descriptions to see which video lengths, sizes and assets are available for each template. **Template 214 is only available as a :30 second commercial.

Editing Capabilities:

Images, font style/color, logo, music, script, voiceover, background colors and headline text


Things We Cannot Edit:

Effects, text location, image locations, image sizes, logo positioning and transitions

Banner Ads

Any template can be customized with your logo, font, headline, images and colors. Each template name below is clickable to a new page that will show all ad sizes.



Template 101a-336x280-px-031824



Template 102a-336x280-px-031824



Template 103a-336x280-px-031824




Template 105a-336x280-px-031824




Template 107a-336x280-px-031824


Template 110a-336x280-px-031824




"We have enjoyed working with the RestaurantGeofencing.com team. They have been great at responding to our array of questions about the technology and their explanations have been detailed and simplified for our non-technical minds."
  1. Peter Siegel

CEO, Landex Development, LLC

Join Us for a Digital Journey Like No Other

Let's craft a digital narrative together, one that reflects your brand's unique spirit and engages your audiences on a deeper level. With our in-house creative services, powered by the latest AI technology, your brand story will scale new heights of digital engagement.